Editorial: The Capitalist Seige Mentality
Obituary: Penny Pixler
WOBBLES: Bosses want cheap workers, Union Scabbery, Amazon rips off workers, Educators under attack…
Syndicalist News: CNT gains ground, Workers occupy factory in Istanbul, Solidarity Federation wins unpaid wages, IWW picket attacked, Turkey: “It’s not an accident, it’s murder” … Compiled by Mike Hargis
Fast Food Walkouts: New Experimental Solidarity or Astroturf Smoke and Mirrors? by John Kalwaic
ARTICLES: Ukraine, Odessa, Anarchism in the context of civil war by Antti Rautiainen
Venezuela: Autonomy, self-management, direct action & solidarity by El Libertario
The making of an anarchist bookfair by Jay Kerr & Sid Parissi
Bakunin Bicentennary: An injury to one is an injury to all: Mikhail Bakunin’s social conception of freedom by Harald Beyer-Arnesen
Bakunin: Count on No One But Yourselves!
Bakunin & the First International by Jon Bekken
Politics at a distance from the State: Speech to South African Movements by Lucien van der Walt
Radical Happiness by Brian Martin
Work & Freedom by Jon Bekken
REVIEWS: Libertarian Socialism: Beyond Anarchism and Marxism? Review essay by Iain McKay
What really was the “Real Socialism” of the Soviet Union? Review by Wayne Price
Marxist economics for anarchists Review by J.N. McFadden
Green Syndicalism Review by Jon Bekken