FAQ on revolutionary unionism (in development)
- Market Anarchism? Caveat Emptor! reviewed by Jeff Stein
- Anarchist Economics – Compiled by Jon Bekken.
- The Collectivist Tradition by Jeff Stein
- Albert & Hahnel’s Looking Forward: Participatory Economic for the Twenty First Century reviewed by Jeff Stein.
- Anarchist Economics (review of The Decline of the American Economy and Kropotkin)
- Principles of Libertarian Economics, by Abraham Guillen.
- Kropotkin’s anarchist critique of capitalism, by Jon Bekken
- Peter Kropotkin’s anarchist communism, by Jon Bekken
- The Impossibility of Just Prices, review by Jon Bekken
Political Action:
- Direct Action by Harald Beyer-Arnesen, ASR #29.
- The Tragedy of Trump
Writings by Harald Beyer-Arnesen:
- An injury to one is an injury to all: Mikhail Bakunin’s social conception of freedom ASR #62
- Anarcho-Syndicalism: A Historical Closed Door…or Not? ASR #22
- Direct Action ASR #29.
Also available as sub-entries under this menu are James Herod’s bibliography of writings on anarchism and Senex’s Letters on Associated Labor from 1834.