Anarcho-Syndicalist Review is an independent syndicalist magazine, published since May 1, 1986 (originally Libertarian Labor Review). ASR is a forum for non-sectarian, critical, informed and constructive discussion of anarcho-syndicalist theory and practice. We are not affiliated with or sponsored by any organization. Our outlook is internationalist. We stand in solidarity with working people everywhere, and in particular with those who, rejecting both state capitalism and state socialism as proven threats to the health of people and planet alike, seek peace and justice for themselves and their fellow workers through international labor solidarity. This is our official website.
Anarcho-Syndicalist Review (ISSN 1069-1995) is published three times a year. Editorial collective is Jon Bekken, Mike Hargis, Mike Long, Iain McKay, Jeff Shantz and Jeff Stein. Contributing editors are Alexis Buss and Sid Parissi. Founding co-editor: Sam Dolgoff (1902-1990).
We can be reached at anarchosyndicalistreview [at], or PO Box 42531, Philadelphia PA 19101.
Website Issues:
We have received a number of complaints that the Subscribe button is not working. However, others are still able to subscribe without difficulty. We would appreciate it if anyone who encounters this issue (which we have not been able to replicate) could describe the steps they took as they encountered this problem, so we can try to chase it down. It is also possible to subscribe by mail, or to simply issue a payment to our email address and send us a note as to what it is for. We apologize for any inconvenience.
“Upgrades” to our content management system disabled many links to articles. We are in the process of identifying links that have gone bad and fixing them. However, the content is still available even if the link does not work. If you enter the text you were clicking on into the search tool present on every page, you should quickly find what you were looking for. (If you drop us a line identifying the bad link we will get on it as soon as we can)
Our original website domain ( was hijacked by vulture capitalists twelve years ago, and our web hosting service’s computer drive was destroyed in a fire soon thereafter. The architecture of the site could not be restored from our back-up files and so we have been gradually rebuilding this site. However, in 2019 WordPress began a continuing series of “upgrades” that have seriously undermined its functionality. If there are any readers who have an understanding of the emerging WordPress, we would very much appreciate assistance.
The Shopping Cart allows you to purchase the current issue or any back issue of ASR, along with a variety of books, pamphlets and buttons. The “Browse Products” menu (under the shopping cart, on the right side of the screen) lists the items available from us. We continue to work on improving this functionality. You must select a payment option to complete an order. Please let us know if you experience any problems.
The ASR Archives tab lists complete tables of contents for our back issues, dating back to 1986. (Only some of the articles we used to make available on our old website are now available; it took some time to figure out a rather clumsy work-around to restore this functionality.) This platform is not stable, and links periodically go bad.