A comprehensive index to LLRs 1-24 is available for free download.
Number 1, Summer 1986
Modern Technology and Anarchism, Sam Dolgoff
Co-Management and Self-Management in Bolivia, Yvon LeBot
Fight for the Four-Hour Day, Jon Bekken
The Crisis of Unionism, Fidel Garron Canoyra
The Web of Labor Law, Pt. I, Jeff Stein
A Tale of Two Unionisms, Guy Cheverton
Reviews: Workers Councils and the Economics of a Self-Managed Society, Jon Bekken
Number 2, Winter 1987
The Spanish Revolution: 50th Anniversary, Sam Dolgoff
The Web of Labor Law, Part II, Jeff Stein
Protection for Whom? Jon Bekken
Wage Workers and Unemployment, J.P. Dumont
To Be or Not to Be in a Mass Union? J.P. Dumont
Zionists in Israel, Esther Dolgoff/Joseph Luden
Review: Free Women, Nan DiBello
Number 3, Summer 1987
Revolutionary Union News
Rebuilding the Italian Syndicalist Union, Mike Hargis
On The Waterfront, Coordinadora/Hargis
New Unions in Central and North America, Jeff Stein
Independent Unionism in Eastern Europe, Jon Bekken
Evolution of Anarcho-Syndicalism, Sam Dolgoff
Ben Fletcher: Portrait of a Black Syndicalist, Jeff Stein
Which Way for Labor after Hormel? Jon Bekken
Reviews: Anarchist Organization The History of the FAI, Jeff Stein
Auto Slavery: The Labor Process in the American Auto Industry, Jon Bekken
Labor Leaders in America, Jon Bekken
Letters: Zionism; DAM, WSA and the IWW
Publications Received
Number 4, Winter 1988
Labor in Crisis, Sam Dolgoff
Self-Management and the Russian Revolution, Jeff Stein
South Africa: “National Liberation” or Workers’ Control? Jon Bekken
A Free, Fighting Union: The Swedish Workers’ Central Organization (SAC)
Revolutionary Unionism in France, Direct Action
Misconceptions of Anarchism, Sam Dolgoff
Number 5, Summer 1988
Editorial: On the Need for an Anarcho-Syndicalist Organization
Nicaragua: The Sandinista Counter-Revolution, Dolgoff/Bekken
Lenin & Gorbachev, Sam Dolgoff
High Tech & Direct Action, Jeff Stein
Business Unionism and the Suicidal Decline of the Unions, Sam Dolgoff
Worker Ownership: An Anathema for Anarchists or Anarchism in Action? Frank Adams
The Role of Marxism in the International Labor Movement, Sam Dolgoff
Debates:Modern Technology and Anarchism, R. Alexander/J. Stein
The Four Hour Day Revisited, Laure A./J. Bekken
Getting There From Here, David Beringer
Number 6, Winter 1989
Editorial: The Need for International Unity.
Anarcho-Syndicalism and the Environmental Movement, Jon Bekken
The IWW: Workers First, Louis Prisco
Earth First! The Underbelly Exposed, Chris Shillock
Revolutionary Unionism in Brazil, Sam Dolgoff/Le Combat Syndicaliste
On Union Democracy, Michael Bakunin
Questions for Anarcho-Syndicalists
Number 7, Summer 1989
Editorial: Rumors and Renovados.
“Third World” Nationalism, Sam Dolgoff
Women Workers and Anarcho-Syndicalism, Jon Bekken & Peggy Johnson
The General Strike in Spain, Various
The Cuban Revolution: Thirty Years Later, Sam Dolgoff
East Bloc Tyrants Rocked By Workers’ Rebellion, Various
Organizing The Job, G. Stress
Emma Goldman and Revolutionary Syndicalism, Excerpt
Number 8, Winter 1990
Editorial: Anarchists Are Not Thugs.
Obituaries: Esther Dolgoff, Minnie Corder, José Peirats
Revolutionary Union News
Pittston: The Limits of Business Unionism, Jeff Stein
Anarcho-Syndicalist Tendencies in Russian Labor, Sam Dolgoff
Anarcho-Syndicalism Reborn in Soviet Union, Mike Hargis
An Interview with Noam Chomsky, Jon Bekken & Nan DiBello
Staying Alive on the Job: A Syndicalist Approach, Jon Bekken
The Environment is a Class Issue, Rebel Worker
Report on the Anarcho-Syndicalist Conference
The San Francisco “Anarchist” Gathering, Jon Bekken and A-Wob
Reviews: The Carpenters of Chicago, Doug Slaton
Anarchist Economics, Review Essay by Jon Bekken
Books on Labor, Anarchism and Related Subjects, Sam Dolgoff and Jon Bekken
Letters: Organizing Prisoners, Abolish Work?, Infiltration of the Anarchist Movement
Publications Received
Number 9, Summer 1990
Editorial: Anarcho-Syndicalism & the East Bloc.
The Revolutionary Revival in Eastern Europe, Sam Dolgoff
Anarchist Stirrings in the USSR, Will Firth
Last Chance for the IWW? Jon Bekken & Jeff Stein
Industrial Strategy & Revolutionary Unionism, Direct Action Movement
Number 10, Winter 1991
Obituary: Passing the Torch (Sam Dolgoff)
Proudhon’s Economic Legacy, Jeff Stein
Capitalism is Criminal, Jon Bekken
The Union Fight Has No Frontiers, Jeff Ditz
To Hide the Head in the Sand, Torbjorn Svenson
We Must Live in Harmony with the Planet, Jeff Ditz
Revolutionary Unionism Around the World, Various
Report on the U.S. Situation, Mike Hargis
Anarcho-Syndicalist Unionism, Direct Action Movement
Number 11, Summer 1991
Editorial: A New World Order?
Organizing for the 1990s, Jon Bekken
Soviet Miners Shake Kremlin.
Interview with Soviet Syndicalists, Le Monde Libertaire
General Strike Against the Gulf War, Mike Hargis
Anarchists & the Workers Movement, International Fed. of Anarchists
Kropotkin’s Anarchist Critique of Capitalism, Jon Bekken
Iranian Workers Struggle for Freedom, Ali Javadi
Five Years of the LLR (with Index)
Number 12, Winter 1992
Editorial: Waiting for the Millenium.
Anarchists in the New Russian Revolution.
IWW Organizing Industrial Network in Education.
Swords Into Plowshares, Direct Action
Dispersed Fordism & the New Organization of Labor, Etcetera
Peter Kropotkin’s Anarchist Communism, Jon Bekken
REVIEWS: Looking Forward: Participatory Economics for the Twenty First Century – Jeff Stein
A Troublemaker’s Handbook: How to Fight Back Where YouWork–and Win! – Jon Bekken
Sacco and Vanzetti: The Anarchist Background – Mike Hargis
A Moment of Truth: Workers’ Participation in China’s 1989 Democracy Movement and the Emergence of Independent Unions – Jeff Stein
Number 13, Summer 1992
Editorial: One More Nail in the Coffin.
Van Heusen Faces Pickets, Jeff Kelly
Direct Action & Freedom, Michael D’Amore
European Alternative Unions Meet – Mike Hargis
North American Free Trade? – Jon Bekken
CNT Wins Recognition at the Puerto Real Shipyard, Mike Hargis
Soviet Workers Demand Self-Management.
The Collectivist Transition – Jeff Stein
Bakunin and the Historians – Jon Bekken
Number 14, Winter 1993
Editorial: The Scourge of Nationalism.
Somalia: Chaos or Anarchy, Mike Hargis.
Revolutionary Labor Conferences, M. Hargis.
Russian Syndicalism in Transition.
Syndicalism in Norway (Interview), Harald Beyer-Arnesen
Principles of Libertarian Economics I, Abraham Guillen
A Short History of IWW Organizing in Ann Arbor, Mark Kaufmann
Number 15, Summer 1993
Editorials: IMFing America.
How to Build the International.
Britain’s Direct Action Movement.
A Conference in Spain, Mattias Gardell.
“Reforming” the Teamsters, Jon Bekken.
Principles of Libertarian Economics II, Abraham Guillen
Anarchism in Russia, Mikhail Tsovma
The Four Hour Day, Mike Ballard
Number 16, Winter 1994
Editorial: Labor Party: What For?
The Myth of the Vanishing Working Class, Mike Hargis.
The IWW’s 1993 Assembly, Mike Hargis
The American Health Care Crisis: Capitalism, by Jon Bekken
IWW Organizing in the 1970s, Mike Hargis
Principles of Libertarian Economics III, Abraham Guillen (afterword by translator Jeff Stein)
Why Anti-Syndicalist “Anarchists” Ought to Think a Little More Clearly, Graham Purchase
The Idea of Good Government, E. Malatesta
Number 17, Summer 1994
Editorial: International Unity Postponed.
CNT on the Move.
From Production-Links to Human Relations, Harald Beyer-Arnesen
Prospects for Syndicalism, Interview with Mattias Gardell
Marxism: The Negation of Communism, Jeff Stein
The Information Railroad, Jon Bekken
Number 18, Summer 1995
Editorial: America Moves to the Right? Stop the Scabs!
The “New” Corporate World Economic Order, Noam Chomsky
Marine Transport Workers IU 510 (IWW): Direct Action Unionism, Jon Bekken
Anti-Authoritarian Press Review, M. Hargis
Commentary: Who Should We Fear? Fred
Number 19, Winter 1996
Editorial: Our Own Worst Enemy. Terror & Anarchy.
Too Many Syndicalisms, Too Few Syndicalists, Mikhail Tsovma
Workers Fight Restructuring in Spanish Ship-Building Industry, Mike Hargis
Split in the Unione Sindicale Italiana? Mike Hargis
The Goals and Structure of the CNT. translated by Jeff Stein
Industrial Networks: Rebuilding Syndicalism in the Workplace, Jon Bekken
Building Revolutionary Industrial Unions, Jeff Stein
The Mondragon Co-operative Federation: A model for our times? Mike Long
Commentary: Cooperation or Expropriation? Mike Hargis
Anarchist Press Review, Mike Hargis
Number 20, Summer 1996
Editorials: This Jobless Recovery. Time for a New Internationalism.
Obituaries: Albert Meltzer. Stuart Christie
IWA Aids Bangladesh Workers, Shaun Ellis
Evolution of the Spanish CGT, Jacques Toublet, translated by Mike Hargis
The Future of the USI: Interview with Gianfranco Carevi, translated by Mike Hargis
The CNT in the Workplace – translated by Jeff Stein
The Limits of Labor “Reform,” Jon Bekken
Rank-and-Filism: What It Is and What It Isn’t, Fred Thompson
Notes on Anarchy in North America, 1940-1995 (Part I), Mike Hargis
Number 21, Spring 1997
Editorials: Is Militance Obsolete? The Labor Party Illusion. A Moratorium on Expulsions.
Two Conceptions of Unionism by Jon Bekken.
The Miners Strike in Chile and the Treason of the Leaders, by Mike Hargis.
The CNT’s Revolutionary Principles; translated by Jeff Stein.
The “Progressive” Electoral Mirage, by Mike Long.
Revolutionary Union News, by Mike Hargis.
The Limits of “Self”-Management Under Capitalism, by Jon Bekken.
Number 22, Winter 1997-’98
Editorial: The Business Unions Can Not Be Reformed.
Cops Raid Anarchist Centers Across Italy.
The Nigerian Situation, by Awareness League.
Amsterdam protests against the European Union Summit, by Mike Hargis.
The Progress of the CGT, Interview with Jose Maria Olaizola.
“To dare to invent our future,” Encuentro Round Table.
Anarcho-Syndicalism: A Historical Closed Door … Or Not? by Harald Beyer-Arnesen.
Swedish Syndicalism, Ingemar Sjoo, translated by Kieran Casey.
Notes on Anarchism in America, Part II by Mike Hargis.
Number 23, Summer 1998
Editorial: Economic Miracles.
Congress of the International Federation of Anarchists, by Mike Hargis
Aspects of Global Domination & Exploitation, by Intl Federation of Anarchists
The IWW Today: A Debate, by Mark McGuire & Jon Bekken
Crisis of Work, or Crisis of Capital? Rene Berthier, translated by Mike Hargis
Swedish Syndicalism, part II, Ingemar Sjoo, translated by Kieran Casey
The Tragedy of the Markets, by Jeff Stein
Lament of the Exploited, by Dale Pfeiffer
Number 24 (Winter 1998-’99)
Editorial: International Solidarity Revisited.
Anarcho-Syndicalism in Belgium. Coordination Autonome des Travailleus interview by Jeremy Berthuin, translated by Mike Hargis
Realities and Problems of Base Unionism in Italy, Pippo Gurrieri, translated by Mike Hargis
Scamming the Welfare State, by Jeff Stein.
Nigerian Anarchism, Interview with Sam Mbah
Swedish Syndicalism, part III. Ingemar Sjoo, translated by Kieran Casey
SAC Hosts International Conference.