February 5-8, 2021, Montréal, Québec & Online
The main problem of modern realistic ethics is … to determine, first of all, the moral end in view. But this end or ends, however ideal they may be, and however remote their full realization, must belong to the world of realities.
The end of morals cannot be “transcendental,” as the idealists desire it to be: it must be real.
Black Rose Books, in global collaboration with other organisations, scholars, activists and university departments, is organizing a conference to celebrate Peter Kropotkin’s life and work. This conference will commemorate 100 years since his death on February 8th, 1921.
Kropotkin is undoubtedly one of the most important anarchist thinkers to understand the vision and action needed for positive transformative change. As a multi-disciplinary scholar, he argued that the centralized bureaucratic state and capitalism are antithetical to a sustainable and just society. He studied a wide range of subjects which include, but is not limited to, geography, biology, economy, anthropology, and philosophy.
The conference will take place from Friday February 5 to Sunday February 7. On February 8th, the anniversary of Kropotkin’s death, we will be holding a commemorative event, which will ideally be connected with such events elsewhere in other cities. The format will be held both in person and virtually. These details will be forthcoming. For more information see:
For any inquiries, proposal submissions, etc. email the following address: mark@blackrosebooks.com
• Centro Studi Libertari, Milano
• Geography Department of Concordia University
• Kropotkin Museum
• Schumacher Center for a New Economics
• Planners Network