Corporate media keeps telling us we need to bring the country together under the new Trumpublican regime. I was reminded of a Woody Guthrie’s Hobo Lullaby song:
Go to sleep you weary liberals.
Let Trump’s rigged election pass you by.
We must have a smooth transition.
That’s the corporate lullaby.
Do not think about tomorrow,
Or what Paul Ryan has in store.
Who gives a damn you have no healthcare,
Or cares ’bout families of the poor?I know the police cause black folks trouble.
They cause trouble everywhere.
Trust to justice up in heaven.
Let policemen have their way down here.So go to sleep you weary liberals.
Let Trump’s rigged election pass you by.
We must have a smooth transition.
That’s the corporate lullaby.
Good night and good luck,

Piecards for Bosses: Former SEIU President Andy Stern has come out in favor of “right-to-work” for less laws, allowing employers to opt out of overtime and other “burdensome” regulations, and generally “modernizing” employment law to make things easier for the “gig economy” exploiters who now employ him: