ASR 67 (Summer 2016)

asr67coverASR 67 (Summer 2016)

3. Editorial: The Anti-Fascist Dilemma
4. Obituaries: Paul Poulos and Louis Prisco
4. Wobbles: Unaffordable Healthcare Act, Walmart Calls in the FBI, Wildcat Strikes, World Without Work? …
6. International News: Verizon Strike, S. Korean Unions Under Attack, Terrorist Puppets?, Reorganizing the International Workers Assn.?… compiled by Michael Hargis
10. Worker Revolt in France by John Kalwaic
12. Organizing Immigrant Workers in Berlin from Direkte Aktion
13. Articles: Should the Left Call for a Third Party? by Wayne Price
17. Bows & Arrows: Indigenous Workers and the IWW on the Vancouver Docks  by Jeff Schantz
20. The $400 Question: Getting By After 50 Years of Stagnation by Jon Bekken
21. Anarchism in the 21st Century  by Iain McKay
25. A History of Anarchism in Ukraine, 1980s – 1990s by Anatoly Dubovik, translated by Malcolm Archibald Supplemental Glossary available only online
34.Reviews: An Improved Capitalism? Or the End of Capitalism?Review essay by Wayne Price
37.George Orwell’s Solidarity with Imprisoned Anarchists Review essay by Raymond Solomon
38. Transportation and the Ecological Crisis by Jon Bekken

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