3 Obituaries: Stuart Christie, David Graeber
4 Wobbles: Anti-Labor Law, Shorter Hours, Billionaires…
7 Syndicalist News: Black Lives Strike, Belarus, Columbia
8 Articles: International Actions Against Wage Theft
10 Hitler’s Election as Metaphor for the 2020 Election: A bad argument for supporting Democrats by Wayne Price
12 Italy After 1918 by Marie-Louise Berneri
17 Intersecting Crises: Intersecting Resistance by Jeff Shantz
19 Direct Action to Save the U.S. Post Office
20 Anarchism, Marxism and the Lessons of the Paris Commune, Part II of III by Iain McKay
27 Reviews: Piketty’s ‘Participatory Socialism’ by Wayne Price
29 Anarchist Economics by Ridhiman Balaji
34 The New Class War by Martin Comack
35 Can the Green New Deal Save Us? by Jon Bekken
36 Our Masters Are Helpless by Ridhiman Balaji
37 Anti-Communist Ideology and U.S. Imperialism by Ridhiman Balaji
39 Letters